Soft, smooth, and silky velvet roses are intricately handcrafted and arranged in a hand bouquet with amazing details and finest artistry to facilitate you lavishly in making the wonderful accents to any event, DIY or home crafting projects. Lovely faux roses are crafted with high quality velvet and are rolled in an enchanting manner. The life-like appearance and vibrant shades of these blooms will add an eye-catching refreshing impact to your tabletops, backdrops, bouquets, vases, centerpieces and floral arrangements. Accentuate your arches or backdrops by the combination of these comely blossoms. Our high quality velvet rose bouquets are reusable, durable, and affordable. Unlike the fresh roses, that not only cost the fortune, but also wither in short time, these velvet blossoms will stay blooming and thriving forever. For extra glitz and glam, add some of our lustrous pearl sprays, ornate picks, glittered stem and ribbons to achieve that super chic look for prom corsages or wedding accessories and bouquets. If you are seeking something delicate but enchanting for your DIY project, these artificial velvet roses are just the solution.
Height of entire bouquet: 10"
Width of entire bouquet: 9"
Stem to hold onto the bouquet: 5"
Size of the roses: 3 3/4" wide x 2 1/4" tall - 14 roses on each bouquet.
Qty: 1 bouquet per order.